There have been several stories and facts that discuss the journey of a mind-body transformation through yoga. Needless to say, yoga can also be practiced to deliver the basics. Having a fit and a perfectly carved body is an asset that a majority of us aspire to have. The extra pounds may provoke signs of diffidence and body-image issues leading to crash diets and chemical substance usage for curbing purposes, the fact that excessive weight is the source of a multitude of health problems really voices our concerns. With the help of a regular yoga practice, you can not only achieve a healthier psyche, it shall also take you on for a grueling weight loss journey. To get started, explore these five best yoga exercises for losing weight minus the repercussions.
Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskara)
Commence the yoga practice with Sun Salutations to warm up the whole, kick-start the metabolism, fire up the core, and to provide a wonderful stretch and tone to the entire body. There are a total of 12 steps in Surya Namaskara Series. Practice each step with an aligned physical and psychical core in a clock-wise motion. The first pose of the series begins with Pranamasana, second with Hasta Uttanasana, third with Padahastanasana, fourth with Ashwa Sanchalanasana, fifth with Parvatasana, sixth with Dandasana, seventh with Ashtanga Namaskara, eighth with Bhujangasana, ninth with Parvatasana, tenth with Ashwa Sanchalanasana, eleventh with Padahastanasana, and conclude the series with with Hasta Uttanasana.
Shoulder Stand (Sarvangasana)
Shoulder Stand is the perfect inversion pose to fire up the metabolic rate and core muscles, stimulate the digestive system, along with balancing the thyroid. Not to mention, it also helps achieve a peace of mind and equilibrium along with regulating the blood flow from the feet to the entire upper body.
How to perform: Lie flat on the yoga mat. Gently lift the feet off the floor while touching the chest with your knee. Press your arms into the floor for support. Calmly lift the feet upwards in the air until your entire body from the feet to the shoulder muscles is inverted upwards. Bend your elbows to support your hips and hold the position for a minute.
Twisted Chair (Parivrtta Utkatasana)
This beautiful twisted chair pose targets the gluteus, abdomen muscles, and thighs along with burning fat in the oblique muscles.
How to perform: Stand on the yoga mat with back and neck erect and firm. Bend your body at the knee until the sit-bones are parallel to the floor. Now join both hands in Namaste Mudra at the heart center and gently twist your body while bending towards the right. Maintain the Namaste mudra, elbows horizontally aligned until the torso is twisted to the maximum angle. Let the left elbow rest against the right thigh to support and hold the twist for 30 seconds to a minute.
Bow Pose (Dhanurasana)
This one is a devoted pose for those specifically trying to lose weight around the abdomen, gluteus, and hips.
How to perform: Lie flat on your stomach on the yoga mat. Raise the torso while forming a gentle curve at the back. Bend your legs at the knee and make an effort to grab the ankles between the hands. Distribute the body weight in the core area while curving the upper body higher into a Bow-alike position. Hold the pose for a minute before releasing and repeating the steps.
Bridge (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana)
An outstanding yoga pose for procuring multiple advantages – balancing the thyroid gland for increasing the BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate), stimulating the core and digestion, working up the hips and thighs.
How to perform: Lie flat on your back on the yoga mat. Raise your legs at the knee until the feet are pressed into the ground. Keep your arms straight at the side and press your palms firmly into the floor. Now, gently lift the body at the waist until the chin touches the chest and the thighs are parallel to the floor.
A Few Important Ayurveda Tips:
To know about these wonderful poses in further detail, explore our Yoga Teacher Training In India.