Some people vouch that they would gladly live out of a backpack if given a chance to see the world. However its better said than done. Travel takes a toll with the long hauls— sitting in cramped spaces, breathing suffocating stale air and joints rusting with lack of movement. Travelling is of many types too, and it is not always for pleasure. The relaxation of pleasure trips cannot be found in others, especially when business is at hand. Travelling on work builds up pressure and it gets worse with the inconvenience.
Let’s find out how yoga can help:
The High Lunge (Utthita Ashwa Sanchalanasana)
Seated in a squeezed position with others on long hauls of air travel, can take the life out of your limbs and cramp your hips. The first thing to be done when dismounting is to stretch out those sore legs and bring the hip joints to form.
The high lunge posture is perfect for the purpose. Bring yourself to the mountain pose, taking your left foot back a step or two. Balance yourself on the frontal ball of the backed foot while the other leg is extended to the front in a stretched “V” shape. In such a posture, you should be careful to keep the front knee aligned right above the knee of the other leg and straighten your hands holding them up to the sky.
Turned Side Angle (Utthita Parsvakonasana)
The biggest problem to exercise a travelling man faces is the lack of space. You just can’t let your body stretch out to its full length! That is why; there are postures of twists to achieve the same degree of unwinding of the joints. Perform a revolved side angle posture by bringing your hands in a closed “anjali mudra” meeting at your heart and shift your shoulders down from your ears. The elbows must point to opposite directions in this closed-handed posture. Now, twist your hips at one side, with your legs crisscrossed. Stay in the twist for a while, concentrating your gaze.
This will let the blood flow in a healthy flush and you can allow your mind to have some peace for a few breaths long time.
The Warrior Postures (Virabhadrasana)
Travelling can be challenging as it requires the individual to displace from his or her comfort zone to uncertain setups. This is when the situation calls for gathering all strength- physical and psychical. If it feels no better after spending a jetlagged afternoon sleeping in your hotel room, try the warrior postures. However, it is advised that you take help in learning proper body alignment first. The warrior sequences do not incorporate vigorous movements but gives out a strong and fortified impression with a wall-like posture.
Try any of these to empower your mind and body in between phases of long hauls in travel. What’s more, continuous practice will improve your body balance, helping you stand at ease inside a vehicle in motion.
The Standing Forward Bend (Uttanasana)
Travelling for many induces discomfort in the stomach even with taking right food and proper liquid. Blame it on the rough days, but don’t forget to do the right yoga for the much needed push on the stomach.
If you are already a yoga practitioner of the higher level with the skills of touching your feet in a deep lurching forward bend, the standing forward bend is the posture for you. It is as simple a movement as turning your head but with a little hold of the posture, wonders can be done to flatulence and discomforts in the stomach. Make sure to spread your legs as far wide as possible when performing this posture, and then hold your big toes as the head comes closer to the ground.
To know about these wonderful Yoga Poses in further detail, explore our Yoga Teacher Training In India.